
書名《Better Than Before》 ---mastering the habits of our everyday lives 


ISBN :978-0-8041-8895-1 購買日2017 /10~11月 誠品台大店

買了一年多除了去年一月寒假有拿出來看一下,都先忙著看其它書或是處理手頭上一堆雜事 這是第一本不是小說的英文書(英文報紙和articles不算的話)


歷經大三課業各種轟炸我至少更認識也承認自己的能耐實在是必須調整為chapter review的形式了。好比我昨日在誠品看蔡康永的新書,兩小時以啃食2/3但是我看完後實在有點後悔,覺得自己是用不對的速度在看這本書(參《如何閱讀一本書》)因為《蔡康永的情商課:為你自己活一次》我看了覺得每個章節都需要時間去消化,而依據主題不同,我在看書的過程中也各有不同的心得,但是因為沒有及時紀錄整理,而繼續一直讀下去,造成最後心得感想全部混在一起,反而達不到學習效果。

以下是我唸到的佳句:Decide Not To Decide:Introduction +A Note to the Reader

  • With habits, we conserve our self-control. ( write ROY BAUMEISTER and JOHN TIERNEY in their book WILLPOWER, “that people with strong self-control spent less time resisting desires than other people did...people with good self-control develop effective habits and routines in school and at work.”)
  • Some people do better when they start small; others when they start big. Some thrive when they give themselves an occasional break from their good habits; others when they never break the chain. The most important thing is to know ourselves, and to choose the strategies that work for us. 
  • Habits: stop choosing cuz choosing makes u overwhelmed with resisting or postponing which tax our self-control.
  • Habits are the solution to make us(live) happier. ( Research suggests that people feel more in control and less anxious when engaged in habit behavior. )但是可能是好的,也可能是不好的習慣---所以才說要養成好習慣阿
  • When we change our habits, we change our lives. (since we repeat about 40percent of our behavior almost daily.但是多發生在相同情境context---所以過去的習慣現在無法從新建立很可能是因為情境因素---環境和人事物/ life is governed by a certain very small number of patterns of events which take part in over and over again.)
  • If these habits (patterns) are good for me, I can live well. If they are bad 4 me, I can't. And changing our habits allows us to alter that destiny.
  • A routine  is a string of habits, and a ritual  is a habit charged with transcendent meaning.
  • We can use decision making to choose the habits we want to form, we can use willpower to get the habit started; then we can allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over. (habits are the good servants but a bad master)
  • 這句:making headway toward a good habit saves us from facing the end of another year with the mournful wish. 讓我想到在“一刻talks |蔡康永:情商要寄托在自己身上”短片中提到的:「周杰倫是個執行者,他不許一般人空泛的新年願望,且會貫徹自己的目標。」
  • Habit is notorious ---and right so ---for its ability to control our actions, even against our will.這句更是讓我想到了蔡康永在《蔡康永的情商課:為你自己活一次》一書中的分身說,我個人在想:一個人要過上自己理想的生活,那必須要有一定程度的自制力self-control (or self-regulation, self-discipline, or willpower),自制力可透過一種分身的機制來控管:分為有意識的隨時自我督促、檢視和無意識的習慣。本書再講的就是有意識地建立想要的習慣(前者),並由建立起的習慣(後者)作為理想生活的一部分。
  • 而書中在七個多數人想要建立的習慣中提到的:The same habit can satisfy different needs. A morning walk in the park might be a form of exercise. 記得一年前在和同學講述我猶豫假日要不要回家的困擾時,她一句:「或許你可以把通勤的過程當作你的定期運動」想來也沒錯,對於運動量少的可憐又無法建立運動習慣的人,上下課多走點路或是到遠一點的地方覓食其實不失為一種變相的解決方式!
    創作者 橘子鮮 的頭像


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